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What is the penalty for high range drink driving?


What is the penalty for High Range Drink Driving? The penalty for high range drink driving can vary greatly, depending on the circumstances of the offence (for example if you caused a serious accident). The…

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What is the penalty for Indecent Assault?


What is the penalty for Indecent Assault?   What is Indecent Assault? Section 61L of the Crimes Act 1900 reads: Any person who assaults another person and, at the time of, or immediately before or after, the assault, commits…

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What is the penalty for sexual assault?


What is the penalty for sexual assault? Sexual assault is an offence in NSW dealt with under s.61I of the Crimes Act 1900.  That section reads: “Any person who has sexual intercourse with another person without the consent of…

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What is the penalty for mid range drink driving?


What is the penalty for mid range drink driving?   If it is your first offence, the penalties are: Minimum licence disqualification of 6 months Automatic licence disqualification of 12 months Maximum fine of $2200…

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What is the penalty for assault occasioning actual bodily harm?


What is the penalty for assault occasioning actual bodily harm?   Under Section 59 of the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW), assault occasioning actual bodily harm attracts a maximum penalty of 5 years imprisonment, or 7 years if…

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What is the process of sentencing in the local court?


Sentencing in the Local Court   An short outline of the process of sentencing in the local court   If you have been charged with an offence and have decided to plead guilty, then the…

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Can Police search your house without a warrant?


Can Police search your house without a warrant?   Generally police cannot enter your home without a warrant. In fact, when a police officer knocks on your door, you have every right to tell them…

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What is the penalty for common assault?


What is common assault?  Common assault is a criminal offence where an assault occurs but the person does not actually suffer any physical harm or injury. It is important to understand that an assault does…

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What are the benefits of pleading guilty in court?


Should I plead guilty? What are the benefits of pleading guilty in court?   It is important to understand all of your legal options before making a decision to plead guilty. Your first step is to…

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How to Quash an Habitual Traffic Offender Declaration


What is an Habitual Traffic Offender Declaration? A habitual traffic offender declaration is made against someone who has committed 3 or more relevant offences within a 5 year period. The effect of a habitual traffic…

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