In the Media

Special appearance by LY Lawyers on ABC National Radio – The Law Report


Our Director and Principal Adam Ly appeared on ABC National Radio as a guest on their “Law Report” Podcast on 5 June 2018 (from 21.30 mins onwards). Listen to the podcast: It was a great…

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LY Lawyers Featured in Auto Experts


Adam was featured in an article by John Cadogan, Auto Expert, discussing Police Power’s and the individual’s right to film a Police Officer during a traffic stop. Thanks again for the mention John. Listen to…

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LY Lawyers in Courier-Sun


On the 1st March 2017, our principal, Adam Ly gave his opinion on reviewing the state road rules regarding the legalization of medicinal marijuana. “…the Federal Government has paved the way for use of medicinal cannabis in…

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LY Lawyers Interview with John Cadogan


On the 1st of March 2017, our Principal, Adam Ly, had an interview with John Cadogan, producer, reporter and Channel 7 auto expert. The topic of discussion involved what do you do, when you’re standing…

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LY Lawyers discussing Criminal Conviction on 2UE


On 7 January 2017, our Principal, Adam Ly, appeared on 2UE, hosted by Clinton Maynard and Phil Baker. The topic of discussion involved the consequences of a criminal conviction. Adam and the crew discussed the…

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LY Lawyers on Today Show Channel 9


At the beginning of December 2016 our Principal, Adam Ly, appeared on the Today Show on Channel 9, hosted by David Campbell and Sonia Kruger. It was a light hearted and enjoyable chat about ways…

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Adam of LY Lawyers Appears on SBS Show “Insight”- Medicinal Marijuana


Last night, SBS television invited LY Lawyers to attend a recording on an episode of “Insight”, a popular forum and debate program that is televised weekly, on Tuesday nights. Adam from our office attended as…

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Perry and Joseph feature in Liverpool Champion Newspaper


This week, Perry Katsanos and Joseph Harb, both solicitors at our office, appeared in the Liverpool Champion newspaper. Perry and Joseph regularly attend local High Schools in Sydney’s South West and Sydney’s West lecturing Legal…

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LY Lawyers on 2BACR 100.9 FM Radio Sydney- Traffic Law Experts


Today, Rayan Dabliz (on the left), solicitor from LY Lawyers, appeared on 2ABCR FM 100.9 radio in Sydney’s South West. Rayan took up her own free time to provide free legal advice to 2BACR’s local…

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