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Can I Apply for Bail More than Once?


Can I Apply for Bail More than Once? Mr. Trinh was arrested for 158 indictable offences related to computer fraud. He appeared before the Burwood Local Court and applied for bail. His application was refused….

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How Prevalent is Drug Use in Minors – Should Parents be held Responsible?


How Prevalent is Drug Use in Minors – Should Parents be held Responsible? Minors take drugs for a wide number of reasons including wanting to feel different, the need to feel part of a group,…

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Appealing a Decision of the Local Court: What to do when the Magistrate Gets It Wrong


Appealing a Decision of the Local Court: What to do when the Magistrate Gets It Wrong Many criminal prosecutions in NSW are resolved in Local Court. An accused who is convicted and sentenced by a…

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What to Do If You Are Charged with a Serious Criminal Offence


What to Do If You Are Charged with a Serious Criminal Offence In Australia, a serious criminal charge can have serious consequences. Gaining an early understanding of how you should respond to a serious criminal…

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The Age of Criminal Responsibility in Australia


The Age of Criminal Responsibility in Australia Every year, about 600 children under the age of 14 are incarcerated in Australian prison cells. Children between the ages of 10 and 17 make up 13% of…

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Do Courts take certain drug offences more seriously than others?


Do Courts take certain drugs offences more seriously than others? Illicit drug use is a huge health concern in Australia that has a major impact on our society both socially and economically. According to a…

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Is Intoxication a Defence?


Is Intoxication a Defence? Most people enjoy a drink or two from time to time. That holds true for many Australians. Anyone who has had a few too many know being intoxicated loosens inhibitions and…

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Fake Sexual Assault Claims in Australia


Fake Sexual Assault Claims in Australia When Allison Louise Reardon accused a taxi driver in Perth of sexually assaulting her, the police did their duty and conducted an investigation. Fortunately for the innocent driver, the…

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Giving Police Access to Your Social Media Accounts:  Must You?


Giving Police Access to Your Social Media Accounts:  Must You? Social media accounts help friends stay in touch, allow people with common interests to connect, and provide a forum for individuals to express their opinions….

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Domestic Violence Against Men: Underreported?


Domestic Violence Against Men: Underreported? A common assumption in discussions of domestic violence is that the victims are wives and ex-wives, girlfriends and former girlfriends. Most of the time that is true. However, researchers at…

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