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What is the penalty for Fraud or Obtain Benefit by Deception?


What is the penalty for Fraud or Obtain Benefit by Deception?   What is Fraud or Obtaining a Benefit by Deception? Fraud is a criminal offence that essentially requires the prosecution to prove that you…

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How to Beat a Drink Driving Charge


When charged with drink driving, whether it is special, novice, low, mid, or high range drink driving, it is important to know your rights in defending against the charge. Drink driving convictions can result in…

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What is the penalty for driving under influence of drugs?


What is the penalty for driving under influence of drugs? With the increase in “mobile drug testing” units, operated by Police, the offence of driving under the influence of drugs is becoming more common in…

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How To Defend Drug Supply Charges


Supply Prohibited Drugs charges can be considered very serious by the court in NSW. With the increase in problematic methamphetamine (“ice”) use in Sydney, there have been an increasing number of arrests in NSW for…

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What is the Penalty for Driving Whilst Disqualified


The offence of Drive Whilst Disqualified occurs when the police catch you driving after you have been disqualified from driving by a court. This crime is generally taken quite seriously by the courts. This is…

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What is the penalty for manufacturing drugs?


What is the penalty for manufacturing drugs?   What is the definition of manufacturing? The term “manufacture” is defined under Section 3 of the Drug Misuse and Trafficking Act 1985. Manufacturing can be described as…

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What is the penalty for larceny?


What is the penalty for larceny in NSW? What is the definition of larceny or shoplifting? Larceny, also commonly known as shoplifting, is a commonly charged offence. Section 117 of the Crimes Act states: Whosoever…

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Oscar Pistorius Trial- Guilty or Not Guilty?


The Oscar Pistorius Trial- Guilty or Not Guilty? In what many are calling “South Africa’s Trial of the Century”, LY Lawyers will examine the case and the evidence for and against Oscar.   The Characters…

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Defences to Assault Charges


Defences to assault charges It is important for any defendant that is facing assault charges to know their rights, and understand the defences to assault charges that are available to assault charges. There are many…

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What is the penalty for possession of a firearm?


What is the penalty for possession of a firearm? The illegal or unauthorised possession of firearms in NSW is considered are considered as very serious offences, often carrying terms of full-time imprisonment upon conviction. The…

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