The suburb of Auburn has been named as being the “murder capital of NSW”.
The latest figures from the Bureau of Crime and Statistics and Research shows that the suburb of Auburn has recorded the highest number of murders in the State of NSW.
Auburn recorded 7 people murdered in Auburn in the year of 2014, with more than half of them domestic violence related. This follows the overall increase in domestic violence related offences NSW wide. Across the state, 40% of all homocides are reported to be domestic violence related. NSW Police Assistant Mark Murdoch is reported that one woman is killed at the hands of a former or current partner in Australia each week. In NSW, an average of two women are killed each week as a result of domestic situations.
It would appear that the current measures put in place to combat domestic violence are not having the desired effect. The recent introduction of “on the spot” AVOs and other such measures seem only to be overcrowding our Local Courts. Every week we see first hand how ineffective the current government model to tackle domestic violence is.
Education must be the key to reducing incidents of domestic violence in NSW.
Ethnic minorities need to be further educated on their rights and alternatives in protecting themselves from violent situations at home. Currently there too few community based helplines and support that provide assistance to those who do not wish involve Police. Domestic violence support groups are too few in the problem areas in NSW. More support must be provided by the government to ethnic and social minority groups to run clinics and advice centres for those unfortunate victims of domestic violence.
Domestic Violence in Regional NSW
Rates of domestic violence are skyrocketing and not enough is being done to address the problem in this area.
Following the recent death of an 18 year old woman in Brewarrina in Western NSW, there have also been calls for extensive changes to deal with the “epidemic”. The woman was found in her home suffering serous injuries and died at the scene. Her 22 year old partner has been remanded in custody in relation to her death. He had three outstanding arrest warrants against him at the time she was killed. Statistics show that in this region, the domestic violence incident rate was three times the NSW average in 2014.
A staggering 1,425 domestic violence-related assaults were recorded in this region alone in 2014.
For more information on how to protect yourself from a domestic violence situation, call us anytime 1300 595 299.