Over 50 years of combined experience

Success in Courts Australia-Wide

6 x Convenient Locations across Sydney and NSW

The explosion of technology and the expansion of our digital lives has benefited humans greatly. We can now keep in touch with friends and family who live far away, work remotely, and have every part of our lives available at the click of a button. But the negative side of our newfound reliance on digital technology is that our privacy, anonymity and even peace of mind can be invaded and attacked through carriage services like phones or apps like Facebook. 

The ability for people to harass, menace, offend and otherwise intimidate others from almost anywhere, and  through many different mediums,  has created a hike in cyberbullying and online threats- conduct which you can be held criminally responsible for. These evolving technologies and the subsequently evolving crimes have created problems for law enforcement over the past 20 years, which has forced lawmakers to stay up-to-date in order to keep people as safe online as they should be in real life. 

In all the circumstances, it is a serious criminal offence to menace, harass or offend another person through the use of a carriage service, and can result in very severe consequences.

What Is a Carriage Service?

A carriage service is any kind of communication platform or technology which is used to communicate, and includes two categories, guided media and unguided media

  • Guided media refers to anything with a physical path or conductor (coaxial cable, wiring), such as those used in landline telephones or cable computers
  • Unguided media refers to wireless communication which uses unguided electromagnetic energy (microwaves, infrared) such as those used in mobile calls and texting, as well as social media platforms and any other method of communication which transmits signals via the air. 

Guided and unguided electromagnetic energy all sounds very scientific, but the simplified version is that a carriage service encompasses most of all modern forms of communication. 

The most common carriage services in today’s society are phones (calling and texting), email, and social media apps like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Tiktok. One of the more recent, public cases of use of carriage service to menace or harass involved former test cricketer Michael Slater who was charged with the offence after sending 66 messages and making 18 phone calls to an ex-partner over the period of two-and-a-half hours. Although Slater’s charges were later dropped citing mental health issues, this kind of behaviour is an example of harassment via use of carriage service.

The Definition Of “Harass” And “Menace”

It is important to understand the distinction between the different kinds of offences that can be perpetrated through a carriage service, define these terms and what they entail, as well as outline the different potential penalties for each.

Of relevance to this offence is that:

  • “Harass” typically means to trouble or annoy by a repeated course of conduct. However, a single telephone call may be harassment depending on the contents of the words uttered, or the time and circumstances in which the call was made even if words were not uttered. This is a charge that the police will often use to allege that you constantly contact or attempt to contact someone (the victim) by mobile phone. 
  • The police will usually use the evidence on the victim’s mobile phone and try to establish that you sent the messages, or made the calls. They will usually get your phone records from your service provider (for example optus or telstra) to support what the victim says is threatening/harassing communications. It is likely that the police will try to obtain an AVO against you to protect the victim. It is quite often the case that the police case against you will be based on lies and exaggeration, and overzealous victims can be caught out in cross examination. If you are charged with this offence, it is important that you stop contacting, or attempting to contact the victim immediately.
  • “Menace” means to cause a normally courageous person to feel apprehensive for their safety because of the call or calls. Using a carriage service to menace does not mean that a call must threaten actual harm for it to be menacing, nor is it necessary for the communication to be made directly to the person menaced. As long as the caller intends the communication to be communicated to the ultimate recipient via the carriage service provider, it is enough.

The offence can be considered aggravated if the harassment, menace or offence entails the sending of private sexual material such as revenge porn or other pornographic material. Unfortunately this is an area of the law which is struggling to catch up with technology, as police cannot charge anyone unless there are screenshots or other concrete evidence that proves beyond a reasonable doubt that a criminal law was broken.

Common examples of what may constitute the crime of using a carriage service to menace, harass or cause offence include:

  • Calling, message or emailing someone excessively, such as an ex-partner or a potential or desired partner.
  • Using a Facebook status to bully or degrade a former partner or friend, or send threats, even if it is a hoax threat.
  • Sending unsolicited private sexual material, from private genitalia, forwarding pornographic material, or distribution of revenge pornographic images.
  • Posting photographs of ex-partners online to be criticised or commented upon negatively.
  • Any kind of constant messaging, offensive language, or contact of an unwilling participant, including strangers (random numbers, pranks etc).

What Must The Prosecution Prove?

In order to be convicted of using a carriage service to menace, harass or offend, the police must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that:

  1. You used a carriage service and
  2. You did so in a way (whether by the method of use or the content of a communication, or both) that a reasonable person would regard as being, in all the circumstances, menacing, harassing or offensive.

If any of the above elements cannot be proven beyond reasonable doubt, then you will be found not guilty of the offence.

Our experienced criminal lawyers will advise you of your prospects of successfully defending any charge brought against you and fight to have you found not guilty of using a carriage service in a criminal manner.

If you agree with what the police are alleging against you, the way to get the best result is often to plead guilty as it demonstrates remorse and contrition as well as meaning that you will be entitled to a discount on your sentence. Plea negotiations have a proven track record of being looked upon favourably, considering particular circumstances.

Alternatively, it may be the case that one of our experienced solicitors can negotiate with prosecutors for you to plead guilty to a less serious charge.


The maximum penalty for the improper use of a carriage service is two years imprisonment in the Local Court. If the matter is heard in the District Court, the maximum penalty is three years imprisonment. However, it also will depend on the criminal code, whether it is an aggravated offence, or whether or not your legal team can have such conduct dealt with pursuant to section 10 of the Crimes Act (Sentence Procedure). A section 10 is the best outcome, as it means that there will be no recorded conviction, no other penalty, and no criminal record. 

Generally, penalties that a court can impose for any criminal offence in NSW are:


Use of a carriage service to menace, harass or offend is a criminal offence which carries quite severe penalties under the commonwealth criminal code. However, there are a number of proven defences that can be used if a person commits such an offence.

  • Duress
    Duress involves the compelling or coercion of a criminal act by a third party, and is a defence which is available for almost every crime in NSW. However, it must be proven that your behaviour was heavily or entirely influenced by the threat of physical, financial or other kinds of harm if you did not yield to their demands e.g. blackmail or threat of violence.
  • Necessity
    Necessity is a defence which is used when the accused has reason to believe that their actions were necessary to prevent harm, serious injury, death or another form of great loss from befalling them.
  • Self-defence
    Another prominent and often successful form of defence is that of self-defence, which relates to the person committing the offence to defend themselves, prevent unlawful deprivation of liberty, protect property or prevent criminal trespass.
  • Mental health
    As previously mentioned in the Michael Slater case, it is possible to have charges of use of a carriage service to menace, harass, or offend dropped if it can be proved that the accused was mentally impaired or unfit, under the Mental Health Act 2007, No. 8.

There are also other defences commonly used in courts to avoid a conviction of the alleged conduct of using most electronic communications to menace, harass or offend, such as reasonable mistake of fact and factual dispute of content.

We are amongst the top criminal defence lawyers in Sydney with years of experience and exposure to a multitude of case types. LY Lawyers have offices in Sydney City CBD, Parramatta, Liverpool, Wollongong, Newcastle and Gosford and we are available to appear for our clients in any NSW or interstate court. We’ve appeared in serious criminal cases throughout Australia, including in Regional NSW, Victoria, Queensland, Northern Territory, South Australia, Western Australia and Canberra.

Our track record of success in serious criminal cases throughout Australia is proven. Take a look at our case studies throughout our website and see the difference a good lawyer makes.

With some of the best criminal lawyers in Sydney, any brush with the law will be expertly handled, giving you the best chance of a not guilty verdict. From traffic offences to drug possession cases, rest assured that our defence lawyers will do their best to solve all your legal woes.

As accomplished court advocates and experts in our field, we are confident that there is no matter too small or too large for us to deal with. Call our 24/7 hotline at 1300 595 299 for a free consultation.

Our client was charged with using a carriage service to menace. His ex-partner had reported to the police that text messages and phone calls she had received were harassing and menacing.

The dedicated solicitor from LY Lawyers who took on the case on made written submissions requesting that the police withdraw the charge.

The police agreed that the messages were not threatening, and did not amount to harassment, and consequently withdrew the charge against our client.

Our client avoided a defended hearing, saving him time and money.

Our client instructed our firm that a disqualification would have a detrimental effect on her family life, particularly on her child who was required to attend regularly medical treatment.

The matter proceeded before Magistrate Swaine at Fairfield. Our solicitor argued that our client had smoked cannabis a number of days prior to the offence and was not aware that cannabis can last in the blood for up to six weeks. Furthermore medical evidence was presented regarding our clients need to drive her child to medical appointments.

It was further argued our client’s good character and remorse would enable the court to be lenient on this occasion and not record a conviction

The court agreed and placed our client a bond pursuant to Section 10. No conviction meant no penalty or disqualification.

Our client was charged with driving with a illicit drug in her blood. This is a serious charge which carries a 6 months disqualification upon conviction. Furthermore our client was on her provisional licence and had her child in the vehicle at the time of the offence.

Our client instructed our firm that a disqualification would have a detrimental effect on her family life, particularly on her child who was required to attend regularly medical treatment.

The matter proceeded before Magistrate Swaine at Fairfield. Our solicitor argued that our client had smoked cannabis a number of days prior to the offence and was not aware that cannabis can last in the blood for up to six weeks.

Furthermore medical evidence was presented regarding our clients need to drive her child to medical appointments. It was further argued our clients good character and remorse would enable the court to be lenient on this occasion and not record a conviction

The court agreed and placed our client a bond pursuant to Section 10. No conviction meant no penalty or disqualification.

Our client who is a security guard was charged with using carriage service to menace and harass. This offence involves using telecommunications to harass another person.

The police alleged that during the course of one day our client had left the victim 12 voice messages, sent 17 text messages and left 6 missed calls on the victims mobile phone in relation to a property dispute. The Client instructed us to plead guilty.

One of our dedicated solicitors made submissions to Blacktown Local Court that the matter could be dealt with pursuant Section 10.

Our solicitor submitted to the Court our client’s prior good character, community contributions, early plea of guilty and remorse shown by the client.

The Magistrate agreed and recorded no conviction. A criminal conviction would have had a detrimental effect on our client’s ability to work in the security industry.

Our client continues to serve the community as a security guard.

Our client was charged with Using Carriage service to threaten her boyfriend. She had been suffering from serious depression prior, during and after the commission of the offences. She was a person of good character that was obviously not of a violent disposition.

Our solicitor sought an order for a  section 32 under the Mental Health (Forensic Provisions) Act 1990, citing that our client had received counselling from her Psychologist for months prior to the offence, and continued with that counselling during the court proceedings.

We obtained a comprehensive Psychological report detailing her condition, a suitable treatment program and prognosis for her court hearing at Sutherland Local Court in June 2015.

The case appeared before Magistrate Bugden, who agreed with our application and proceeded to discharge our client into the care of her parents.

An excellent result for our client.

Our client was charged with using a carriage service to groom a child under 16 years of age for sex, contrary to Section 474.27(1) of the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth).

This is a serious offence which carries a maximum penalty of 12 years imprisonment.

The victim and our client had known each other through family friends and the victim had sent a ‘friend request’ to our client through Facebook. After many friendly conversations, our client and the victim began discussing each other’s appearance and complementing each other. Our client, on one occasion, made a suggestion that he and the victim should meet to touch each other. A situation that never eventuated. However, nevertheless constituted a serious offence.

Our client pleaded guilty and was committed for sentence in the District Court before Her Honour Judge Flannery.

Fortunately, our solicitors had organised a psychologist, who we recommend highly to prepare a psychological report which assessed our client as being of a very low risk of re-offending. This greatly assisted our client as the full pre-sentence report prepared by probation and parole, using what our barrister highlighted as being an unreliable forensic test, measured our client risk as being moderate to high.

Our solicitor assisted our client to start undertaking rehabilitation in the form of counselling which was recommended by the forensic psychologist who prepared his report. This greatly assisted our client’s case as it gave Her Honour proof that our client was proactive in his rehabilitation and had strong prospects of rehabilitation.

Our client was sentenced under the Crimes Act 1914 (Cth) and received a suspended sentence for a period of 12 months upon entering a 2 year recognizance period which required him to be of good behaviour. He was required to accept the supervision of Probation and Parole and attend such forensic psychological services as directed by Probation and Parole.

Our client was charged with using a carriage service to groom a child under 16 years of age for sex contrary to section 474.27(1) of the Criminal Code Act (Cth) 1995.

This is a serious offence which carries a maximum penalty of 12 years imprisonment.

The victim and our client had known each other through family friends and the victim had sent a ‘friend request’ to our client through Facebook. After many friendly conversations, our client and the victim began discussing each other’s appearance and complementing each other. Our client on one occasion made a suggestion that he and the victim should meet to touch each other. A situation that never eventuated. However, nevertheless constituted a serious offence.

Our client pleaded guilty and was committed for sentence in the District Court before Her Honour Judge Flannery.

Fortunately our solicitors had organised a psychologist, who we recommend highly to prepare a psychological report which assessed our client as being of a very low risk of re-offending.

This greatly assisted our client as the full pre-sentence report prepared by probation and parole, using what our barrister highlighted as being an unreliable forensic test, measured our client risk as being moderate to high.

Our solicitor assisted our client to start undertaking rehabilitation in the form of counselling which was recommended by the forensic psychologist who prepared his report. This greatly assisted our client’s case as it gave Her Honour proof that our client was proactive in his rehabilitation and had strong prospects of rehabilitation.

Our client was sentenced under the Crimes Act 1914 (Cth) and received a suspended sentence for a period of 12 months upon entering a 2 year recognizance period which required him to be of good behaviour. He was required to accept the supervision of Probation and Parole and attend such forensic psychological services as directed by Probation and Parole.

Meet our Founder

Adam Ly, B. Ec. (Majoring in Economics), LL.B.

Managing Director and Principal Lawyer

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Contact LY Lawyers Today!

Contact LY Lawyers today for a confidential consultation with an experienced criminal defence lawyer. We are available 24/7 to answer your questions and guide you through the legal process.

We understand you may be feeling lost and overwhelmed by the sheer weight of the charges against you; rest assured that as a leading criminal law firm in Sydney, we are well-versed in the complexities of criminal law and are committed to providing you with the aggressive and effective representation you deserve.

Achieving results one case at a time

The team at LY Lawyers were great to deal with, after getting charged with a minor offence. The costs were upfront and affordable. Communication was great and I felt like they really cared about me. If I was ever in trouble again they would be my first point of call for help.

Sarah Davies

Ly Lawyers

Sarah Davies

The team at LY Lawyers were great to deal with, after getting charged with a minor offence. The costs were upfront and affordable. Communication was great and I felt like they really cared about me. If I was ever in trouble again they would be my first point of call for help.

Achieving results one case at a time

What a result from a great team!

Adam handled my case and put everything he had into it. He's a great lawyer at affordable fees. Would highly recommend.

John L.

Ly Lawyers

John L.

What a result from a great team! Adam handled my case and put everything he had into it. He's a great lawyer at affordable fees. Would highly recommend.

Achieving results one case at a time

Highly recommend! Joseph handled my case and got the result he said i would, communication was great and his advice on what to do to help my case was great, dont hesitate to give them a call if you ever need legal help.

Todd Hurring

Ly Lawyers

Todd Hurring

Highly recommend! Joseph handled my case and got the result he said i would, communication was great and his advice on what to do to help my case was great, dont hesitate to give them a call if you ever need legal help.

Achieving results one case at a time

Want to say a big thanks to Adam and the team, was looking at jail without a doubt, already had 2 other common assaults, a GBH, and a fair few other charges on my record and facing another GBH. Never done jail before and thought this was my time for sure. Great service from them, Adam always answered my calls and step me through everything the whole way. Managed to stay out of jail with a ICO order, big win, thanks again, highly recommend

Breno T.

Ly Lawyers

Breno T.

Want to say a big thanks to Adam and the team, was looking at jail without a doubt, already had 2 other common assaults, a GBH, and a fair few other charges on my record and facing another GBH. Never done jail before and thought this was my time for sure. Great service from them, Adam always answered my calls and step me through everything the whole way. Managed to stay out of jail with a ICO order, big win, thanks again, highly recommend

Achieving results one case at a time

I just wanted to say a big thank you to LY Lawyers. My husband just got his sentence at Parramatta District Court last week, expecting to be in jail a lot longer. He was charged with supplying commercial drugs. LY Lawyers represented him with great passion and commitment, all of their staff chipping in to get a short sentence. Only a year to go before he gets out!

Kim Smith

Ly Lawyers

Kim Smith

I just wanted to say a big thank you to LY Lawyers. My husband just got his sentence at Parramatta District Court last week, expecting to be in jail a lot longer. He was charged with supplying commercial drugs. LY Lawyers represented him with great passion and commitment, all of their staff chipping in to get a short sentence. Only a year to go before he gets out!

Achieving results one case at a time

It was a pleasure to work with LY Lawyers. They got me off from my charge. Could not thank them enough!

William Song

Ly Lawyers

William Song

It was a pleasure to work with LY Lawyers. They got me off from my charge. Could not thank them enough!

Achieving results one case at a time

Joseph was amazing and did a fine job representing me in my case. He got the job done and got me the result I wanted.

Habib Rahman

Ly Lawyers

Habib Rahman

Joseph was amazing and did a fine job representing me in my case. He got the job done and got me the result I wanted.

Achieving results one case at a time

Joseph you did an amazing job representing me at Sydney District court . My prior lawyer didn't do anything for me in the local court, but u guys were great in the district court. Thanks for being patient with me too.

Josh Tyler

Ly Lawyers

Josh Tyler

Joseph you did an amazing job representing me at Sydney District court . My prior lawyer didn't do anything for me in the local court, but u guys were great in the district court. Thanks for being patient with me too.

Achieving results one case at a time

I just wanted to say thank you for helping me with my case and THANK YOU for the section 10!

Craig H

Ly Lawyers

Craig H

I just wanted to say thank you for helping me with my case and THANK YOU for the section 10!

Frequently Asked Questions

Being charged with a criminal offence can be a stressful and confusing experience. At LY Lawyers, we understand the challenges you face.

Here’s a look at some of the most frequently asked questions about criminal law in Sydney, Australia:

A: A criminal defence lawyer is a legal professional who specialises in representing individuals accused of crimes. Their role is to protect your rights throughout the legal process, from the initial investigation, to the court proceedings. Here are some key responsibilities of a criminal defence lawyer:

  • Investigating the case: They gather evidence, interview witnesses, and analyse the prosecution's case to build a strong defence.
  • Providing legal advice: They will explain your legal rights and options and explore your potential defences, guiding you through the complexities of the criminal justice system.
  • Negotiating with prosecutors: They may negotiate plea bargains to potentially reduce charges or penalties.
  • Representing you in court: They will advocate for you in court hearings and trials, presenting your defence arguments.

A: A traffic lawyer is a specialised type of criminal defence lawyer who focuses on traffic offences. These can range from minor speeding tickets to more serious charges like drink driving or driving without a licence. A traffic lawyer can:

  • Challenge the validity of traffic stops or charges.
  • Negotiate for reduced penalties or licence suspensions.
  • Represent you in court for traffic-related offences.

A: Finding the right lawyer for you depends on your specific circumstances. Here are some tips to find the best legal representation:

  • Consider your case: Identify the type of offence and choose a lawyer with significant experience handling similar cases.
  • Research potential lawyers: Read online reviews and testimonials, and check their qualifications and experience.

Contact your preferred lawyers: Schedule consultations to discuss your case and assess their communication style and fees.

A: Legal fees can vary depending on the complexity of your case, the lawyer's experience, and the length of representation required. Most criminal lawyers offer upfront quotes or hourly rates. Here are some factors impacting the cost:

  • Severity of the charge: More serious charges typically require more lawyer time and resources, thus leading to higher fees.
  • Complexity of the case: Cases with intricate details or witness testimony might require more investigation and legal strategy, thus increasing the cost.
  • Trial vs. Plea Bargain: If your case goes to trial, expect higher fees compared to resolving it through a plea bargain.

A: Many criminal defence lawyers offer free consultations, allowing you to discuss your case and get an initial assessment. This can help you understand your legal options and decide if the lawyer is indeed a good fit for you.

A: Here's what to do if you've been accused of a crime:

  • Remain silent: Don't answer any questions from law enforcement officers without your lawyer present.
  • Contact a criminal defence lawyer immediately: They can advise you on your rights and guide you through the next steps.
  • Don't tamper with evidence: Don't attempt to destroy or hide anything related to the case.

Be honest with your lawyer: Provide them with all the details of your situation for the best possible defence.

A: If you can't afford a private lawyer, you may be eligible for legal aid. This government programme provides financial assistance for legal representation in criminal cases.

  • The burden of proof lies with the prosecution: They must prove your guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
  • You have the right to remain silent: You don't have to answer any questions that could incriminate yourself.

You have the right to a lawyer: You can request legal representation at any point during the legal process.

A: This is a crucial decision best made in consultation with your lawyer. They will assess the evidence, your potential defences, and the likely outcomes to advise you on the best course of action.

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