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What is the Interlock Program?


What is the interlock program?   The interlock program was introduced in 2003 to allow those convicted of drink driving offences to continue driving, following a short period of disqualification. An RMS (RTA) Interlock Device…

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The Benefits of Character References for Court


What are the benefits of character references for court?   When should I use a character reference for court? A character reference is usually used in sentencing proceedings, where an accused person has pleaded guilty,…

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What is the penalty for Cultivating Cannabis?


What is the penalty for cultivating cannabis? The penalty for cultivating cannabis depends on how many plants were allegedly cultivated. There are four levels of cultivation in Australian law, and we will describe each here….

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What happens if I don’t complete my Community Service?


What happens if I don’t complete my community service?   What is a community service order? Community service orders are handed our by our courts as an alternative to full time jail. Before you are…

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What happens if I breach my suspended sentence?


What happens if I breach my suspended sentence?   What is a suspended sentence? A suspended sentence is a sentence from the court to a term of imprisonment, however suspended, on the condition that the…

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The Defence of Necessity


The Defence of Necessity   The defence of necessity in criminal law is where the defendant is arguing that it was necessary for them to commit a crime, and there argues that the accused person…

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What is the penalty for breach of AVO?


When can a court grant an AVO? The court can grant an Apprehended Violence Order (AVO) to a Person In Need Of Protection (PINOP). They are granted if the court is satisfied that the PINOP…

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LY Lawyers Corporate Sponsors of Gladiators Cage Fighting


LY Lawyers Corporate Sponsors of Gladiators Cage Fighting On October 25 2014 at St. Mary’s Band Club, LY Lawyers will again be Corporate Sponsors to Gladiators Cage Fighting. The event will be the last of…

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What is the Penalty for Intentionally or Recklessly Destroying or Damaging Property?


What is malicious damage to property? The charge of intentionally or recklessly destroy damage property (also known as Malicious Damage to Property) is laid when you: Intentionally or recklessly destroyed or damaged property; Which belonged…

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Adam of LY Lawyers Appears on SBS Show “Insight”- Medicinal Marijuana


Last night, SBS television invited LY Lawyers to attend a recording on an episode of “Insight”, a popular forum and debate program that is televised weekly, on Tuesday nights. Adam from our office attended as…

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