Created on: 21.11.18 | Updated on: 03.03.25

Channel 7 News – Complex Murder Charge Case Reduced to Manslaughter

On 16 November 2018, our Director and Principal Mr. Adam Ly appeared at the Supreme Court of NSW in Sydney, representing our client was had pleaded guilty to Manslaughter.

Our client was originally charge with the offence of Murder, however after extended negotiations we successfully had the murder charge withdrawn and our client pleaded guilty to manlaughter.

We presented the case before Justice Harrison of the Supreme Court. It was a complex sentencing proceeding, with both the prosecution and defence calling expert witnesses regarding complex issues surrounding our client’s mental illnesses.

Our client was sentenced to a total sentence of 6 years imprisonment, with a non-parole period of 3 years. He will be eligible for parole in October 2019.

A fantastic result for our client.

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