Created on: 30.06.20 | Updated on: 03.03.25

Sentence of 2 years 3 months Non-Parole for shooting Step-mother in face 3 times with Nail Gun – Originally charged with Attempted Murder

Our Principal Mr. Ly appeared at Parramatta District Court in June 2020, before His Honour Judge Sutherland.

Originally charged with Attempted Murder we successfully had the Charge withdrawn. Our client pleaded guilty to Maliciously Inflicting Grievous Bodily Harm.

After extensive investigations into our client’s family history, and subpoenaed documents from the Department of Family and Community Services, we compiled a detailed history of child abuse and family violence perpetrated against our client when he was a young boy. The material was powerful.

In sentencing, His Honour found the material highly relevant in exercising a degree of leniency in sentencing our client.

It was a difficult case that involved a high level of negotiation with the DPP and preparation for sentencing.

Our client was sentenced to a total sentence of 4.5 years with a Non-Parole period of 2 years 3 months. He had served 18 months at the time of sentencing and was eligible for parole in 9 months.

An exceptional result.

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