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Will I go to jail for drink driving?


Will I go to jail for drink driving? Short answer – unlikely. Long answer – depending on the circumstances of the offence, your traffic record and your criminal record, gaol may be a possibility. The…

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What happens if you breach your good behaviour bond?


What happens if you breach your good behaviour bond?   What is a good behaviour bond? Section 9 of the Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999 empowers the court, following a conviction, to direct an offender to enter…

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How to avoid a criminal conviction


How to avoid a criminal conviction   What is a conviction?    When you see a reference to a “conviction” it can mean one of two things:   • That you have been found guilty…

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Withdrawing an AVO


Withdrawing an AVO   What is an AVO? An Apprehended Violence Order (AVO) is an order made by a court against a person called the ‘protected person’ who found to be in need of protection…

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The traffic offenders program


The traffic offenders program Been charged with a drink driving or a traffic offence and looking for a lenient sentence? The Traffic Offenders Program (TOP) is a driver education and awareness program run by the…

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What is the penalty for goods in custody?


What is the Penalty for Goods in Custody?   What is goods in custody?   In order to be convicted goods in custody, the police must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that:   1. You:…

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What is difference between local and district court?


Why Is My Case Being Heard In The District Court?   What is the difference between Local and District Court?   There are two main jurisdictions of Courts in NSW:  the Local Court and the…

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How is bail determined? How do I ensure I get bail?


How is bail determined?   Bail can be granted by the police at the police station upon arrest and charging or by a Magistrate or Judge at court. Bail applications can be made in any…

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What is the penalty for break and enter?


What is the penalty for break and enter?   There are a range of different types of break and enter type offences, with the maximum penalty for break and enter type offences ranging from 2…

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What is the penalty for low range drink driving?


What is the penalty for low range drink driving? The maximum penalty for Low Range drink driving, if it is your first major traffic offence within 5 years, is a fine of $1,100.00 and a…

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