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Farewell Magistrate Jim Coombes


On 14 November 2014, Adam and Joseph of LY Lawyers attended Fairfield RSL for the farewell of Magistrate Jim Coombes, who has now retired as a Local Court Magistrate. In attendance were much of the…

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What happens if Bail is refused?


What happens if bail is refused?   Police Bail When someone is arrested and charged with a criminal offence, and are taken into police custody for processing, the Police will first determine if bail is…

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Is a Criminal Record Forever?- “Spent Convictions”


What are spent convictions? Spent convictions are convictions that are not required to be disclosed to anyone. Following the relevant time lapsing, spent convictions do not need to be disclosed to anyone at all. The…

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What is the MERIT Program?


What is the MERIT Program?   The MERIT (Magistrate’s Early Referral Into Treatment) program is a drug rehabilitation program that is monitored by the court during court proceedings for a criminal offence. A team of…

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What are Committal Proceedings?


What are committal proceedings? Committal proceedings are Local Court proceedings for offences that will ultimately be dealt with by the District Court or Supreme Court of NSW. These proceedings are for offences that are generally…

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Section 10 Traffic Offences – How to avoid losing points for Traffic Offences


Section 10 Traffic Offences- How to avoid losing points for traffic offences   Traffic offences, however trivial they may seem, almost always result in the loss of demerit points. When you are close to your…

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The Drug Court of NSW


The Drug Court of NSW   What is the Drug Court? The drug court is a specialist court that deals with offenders who are dependent on drugs. The drug court is located in Sydney, Parramatta…

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The Criteria for Sentencing in Criminal Cases


The Criteria for Sentencing in Criminal Cases   How is sentencing determined in criminal cases? In NSW the sentencing process, for the most part, is prescribed in the Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act NSW 1999. Other…

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What is the penalty for Fail to Submit to Breath Analysis?


What constitutes a fail to submit to breath analysis? A “breath analysis” is a procedure that is undertaken by Police at the Police station, following your arrest for a DUI related offence. This comes after…

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Local Court Procedure in a Defended Hearing


Local Court Procedure in a Defended Hearing   Here is an article that explains, very generally, the main aspects of a Local Court Criminal Hearing.   Local Court Procedure before the Hearing Date The Service…

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